Tuesday, 10 September 2024


Psychological projection

is the process of displacing one's feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection — attributing one's own unacceptable urges to another.

More generally projection is the basis of empathy by the projection of personal experiences to understand someone else's subjective world.


= understanding another person’s experience by imagining oneself in that other person’s situation. It depends on projection; which is generally an unconscious mechanism = when we do it, we're unaware we're doing it.

So our ability to project is key to healthy minds; in that it's the basis for empathy. But projection can also go bad, in more than one way, for example:

Projection Gone bad
  1. Psychopaths don't seem to develop empathy. They project others to be like them = self serving; and consider empathy to be merely suicidal!
  2. Defensive projection. We displace our unacceptable urges onto a different person, animal, or object.
  3. Woke is due to empathy running amok = suicidal empathy. The basis is a notion that if everyone had infinite empathy we'd be in Utopia!
Suicidal Empathy
  1. In a borderless world we'd be free to travel anywhere. Poverty would be abolished.
  2. In a net zero world all energy would be renewable, and 'free' because it's running off the sun and wind (which is 'free').
  3. In a sexually liberated world everyone is free to love anyone else; and be loved in return.

Notice how free is the operative word for 1 - 3 above! Always - the seductive language!

Luxury Beliefs

None of these (utopian) dreams: net zero (carbon) energy, borderless worlds, communism, infinite sexual liberation, ..., are practical. They're senseless. But the woke, project the lack of such impossible utopias as the cause for all malady! Therefore the norms - you and I - are the cause for their missing Utopia! Because we believe in reality, not in dreams! The utopian dreams are impossible to live - so can only be held as luxury beliefs.

When they can, they'll try to force their utopias onto us with actual laws. Yet because the utopias are impossible there are no, actual woke people. Their impossible utopian dreams are really luxury beliefs. Practically no one attempts to live luxury beliefs. Luxury beliefs = impossible utopias - are another kind of projection gone bad. Why have luxury beliefs when they're impossible dreams? Because luxury beliefs are status beleifs; and the claim to a higher moral standard than others is moral grandstanding; which most of us do.

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Climate modeling fraud

" The data does not matter... We're not basing our recommendations on the data; we're basing them on the climate models. "...