This is a page for my most important posts.
- The greenhouse gas effect is not a scientific concept.
- Why the greenhouse gas effect is anti-scientific nonsense.
- Top evidence: Fingerprints of natural climate change
- Much of the inastrumental warming in the past 80 years is due to the urban heat island, UHI effect.
- Why I reject climate alarmism
- Why climate alarmism? What motivates them?
- How to debate the left
- Connolly's balloon video. One of the best introductions to climate science I know. Clearly explains why man-made warming is nonsense (but you'll need to listen carefully!). One of those videos where the detail is as important as the general point.
- How/Why science is broke.
- Why/How I first became a climate skeptic (written when it happened). Aged suprisingly well!
- Sustainability is the foundational green myth which keeps the green movement moving. It's their positive idea.
- Climate models are bad modeling too (as well as bad science)
- No role for CO2 in heating the climate. Climate modeler explains (WARNING: very technical post!)
- My core beliefs/method - method = why I believe the things I do. How I think.
Your blog is very good, most useful. Thank you.