Blog roll
This page was originally written ages ago before I was a proper climate skeptic. But is being updated. Sites in the first 4 lists (1,2,3,4) are those I visit daily, weekly or monthly. Sites in the 5th list I don't generally bother with - as there's nothing to learn there.
Climate Skeptics
These skeptics are not necessarily skeptical of the greenhouse effect but they are skeptical of the IPCC process and renewable rollout.
- A chemist in Langley
- American Elephants
- Appinsys
- Australian Climate Madness
- Bishop Hill
- Bob Tisdale
- C3 Headlines
- Cartoons By Josh
- Changement Climatique
- The Chiefio – E.M. Smith
- climate-change-theory
- Climate Resistance
- Climate Audit
- Climate Change 101
- Climate Dispatch
- Climate Change Predictions
- Climate Conversation – NZ
- Climate Depot
- International Climate Science Coalition
- Climate Views
- Climatism
- Climate Scepticism
- Clive Best
- CO2 Science
- CO2 Science articles
- Coyote blog - Warren Meyer
- Climate Skeptic
- Die Kalte Sonne
- Dr Roy Spencer
- Dr. Tim Ball
- Electroverse
- Energiefrage
- EU Referendum – Richard North
- Climategate 2 mails
- Friends of Science
- Frojdh Sweden
- Nonoy Oplas
- Pop-Tech Resource
- GWPF - Global Warming Policy Foundation
- Haakonsk's Blog
- Heartland Institute
- Environment & Climate News
- Hockey Schtick
- 66 hiatus excuses
- Harold Seneker's Climate Discussion
- 22 Inconvenient Climate Facts
- Its Not CO2
- Dr. Jennifer Marohasy
- A Walk On The Natural Side – Jim Steele
- Jo Nova
- Dr. Judith Curry
- Junk Science - Steve Milloy
- Die kalte Sonne
- Kiwi Thinker
- Klimaschau
- Lüdecke Prof. H.-J.
- Manhattan Contrarian
- Master Resource
- MWP Map
- Net Zero Watch
- New Climate Model
- The Next Grand Minimum
- The Air Vent
- Dr. Norman Page
- Paul Homewood
- No Tricks Zone
- Our World in Data
- PDO Index Chart
- 1000+ papers
- A Walk On The Natural Side, by Jim Steele
- Climate Science – Pielke Sr.
- Dr. Susan Crockford – polarbearscience
- Tony Heller
- Real Climate Tools
- Dr. Roger Pielke Jr.
- Roger Pielke Jr (substack)
- SOHO solar images
- Sea Level Info
- Solar Cycle 24 Board
- Stoat – Connolley
- Surfacestations Main
- Tallbloke's Talkshop
- Dams-Sauerland
- Tamino’s Open Mind
- Temperature Earth
- The GWPF
- Tom Nelson
- Tom Nelson Video-casts
- toryaardvark
- Trust Yet Verify
- 22 Unangenehme Klimafakten
- Earthquake activity
- Wamists' View Of Dissenters
- Warwick Hughes
- Watts Up With That?
- Weather Action
- Weather Picture of the Day
- William M. Briggs
- William Briggs blog
- Wo bleibt
- WFT – Interactive Climate Graph Engine
- Wood for Trees
- Zoe Phin
- Zoe Phin
4. Recommended: Not Climate
- Quadrant
- Genetic Literacy Project
- Heartland Institute
- Spiked
- Reason
- Quillette
- New Discourses
- Cultural Cognition
- Our World In Data
5. Not Recommended: Climate Alarmists
- Ed Hawkins
- Energy, Security, and Climate
- Environmental Progress
- HeterodoxAcademy
- Isaac Held
- Matt Nisbet
- Nick Stokes
- Science of Doom
- SciMed Skeptic
- WoodForTrees
Books: Books
A pro-nuclear power resource list should consist of basics followed by icing, but I have a hard time figuring what basics are. To get one's head around being pro-nuclear power it's importand to understand the anti-nuclear movement. This is essentially the Environmental movement, especially its deep green variety is. What the important myths of environmentalism are. How to debunk such myths. That really needs a different page. These are just resources.
Books: Free on the internet (recommended):
- The Grip of Culture, by Andy A. West
- The Nuclear Energy Option, by Bernard L. Cohen
- Sustainable Energy – without the hot air, by David MacKay
- Plentiful Energy: The story of the Integral Fast Reactors, by Charles Till, and Yoon Il Chang
Books: Not Free
- Ecology Ideology and Power, by Donald Gibson
- "Radiation and Reason", by Wade Allison, website and book
- "Fukushima - the first 5 days", by Leslie Corrice
- Superfuel: Thorium, The Green Energy Source For The Future, by Richard Martin
- Nuclear 2.0: Why a green energy future needs nuclear power, by Mark Lynas
- Terrestrial Energy: How Nuclear Energy Will Lead the Green Revolution and End America’s Energy Odyssey, by William Tucker
- GreenJacked! The misdirection of environmental action on climate change, by Geoff Russell
- The Bottomless Well: The Twilight of Fuel, the Virtue of Waste, and Why We Will Never Run Out of Energy, by Peter W. Huber and Mark P. Mills
Videos, youtube (mostly free)
- "A reality check on renewables", by David MacKay
- Helen Caldicott - "Th" Thorium Documentary
- BBC - Horizon - 2006 - "Nuclear Nightmares"
- Fukushima Is Nuclear Power Safe, BBC Horizon 2011
- Pandora's Promise
- Lot's of videos by Gordon McDowell, which are mostly on youtube (gordonmcdowell channel on youtube)
- Anything by Hans Rosling, Alex Cannara, Kirk Sorensen, David MacKay, Robert Bryce
My youtube lists:
Webpages, blogs:
- "Carnival of atomic bloggers"
- Climate Gamble
- Atomic Insights
- BreakThrough Institute
- Brave New Climate
- Hiroshima Syndrome
- Nuclear Green Revolution
- XLNT Foundation
- A Look at Nuclear Science and Technology, by Larry Foulke. Good course, no longer running, but an excellent introduction to nuclear power. Would be brilliant if someone could post the pirated videos, and exercises. Perhaps they'll run it again if lots of people add themselves to the watchlist?
- E-learning for Nuclear Newcomers, by IAEA. Looks interesting but I've not used it)
My blogs
I keep these as explanations, for myself, of any idea or data I might need in future.- Nukes Pretty Please, pro nuclear power blog
- Green Fallacies, exposing myths about the Green movement.
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