In the Jordan Peterson Podcast, he interviews John Vervaeke. They talk about "Heidegger's attractivness to Nazism". Here's my take.
Nazism was a return to nature in ideas; and profoundly Malthusian. We see the Malthusian aspects of Nazism in their:
- belief that economic parity for Germans with US Americans is absolutely limited by the area of agricultural land available to Germany. Hence the Nazi desire for more land by conquest.
- Nazi eugenics
- obsessions with renewable power
- support given them from German environmentalists (AKA conservationists)
The modern Green movement are also intrinsically driven by Malthusian and anti-human ideas. One such common anti-humanism in both Nazism and the modern Green movement is authoritarian, or anti-democratic politics.
Anti-Democratic Politics
The form of authoritarianism, or anti-democracy is totally different with each; Modern Environmentalism is 'soft' authoritarianism; not hard. It is anti-democratic: it forces its policies on us by by-passing and subverting democracy. Greens refusal to engage with democracy leads them to support authoritarianism. Witnessed by how they by-pass the will of the people at every stage of politics. By supporting the transfer of power to NGOs, trans-GOs (such as the UN and EU), and GOs (e.g the US EPA), pass laws with no democratic debate nor mandate (E.g. the UK Climate Change Act), ... Societal support for modern environmentalism is surface deep. Hardly anyone votes for them; we have more important concerns. Because they get so little support in democratic institutions the greens by-pass democracy to drive their agenda forward behind the scenes. By capturing institutions, and politicians. In debate, Greens trash freedom of Speech, and are rabidly censorious. The climate movement refuse to debate anyone who's not in with their 'climate crisis', and they have NEVER debated their real political oppenents: people like me who see environmentalism for the social cancer it is. They drive their agenda forward by capturing politicians; not by arguing for their ideas at the grass-roots, or electorally. So the environmentalist disdain for debate is easily understood. It's just pragmatic politics. Green politics is power in action: Heidegger come full-circle to bite his tail: with greens we see the embrace of power for its own sake - because embracing democracy is far harder.
In this blog I use Malthusian in the wider sense. In a pan-Malthusian sense. It is not only the belief that population growth will outstrip food; but a belief that all resources are limited, and are under direct assult from humanity. It's also a belief that growth is hindered by pollution and pollution-like processes. So 'climate change' is a Malthusian derived idea: pan-Malthusian. Here the resource we're using up is a negative one! According to climate activists, humanity is putting more carbon dioxide - a so-called greenhouse gas into the atmosphere; and this waste or pollution (their words) is burning the planet.
Earth ‘is literally on fire’
-- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres
Fighting The 'Common Enemy'
Consider the challenge of collapsing an industrialized civilization. This is where carbon dioxide (CO2) becomes the focus. The civilization the Club opposed comprised nations built on and driven by the energy provided by fossil fuels. It’s reasonable to compare these nations to a car, the very symbol of all they detest. You can stop a car engine by cutting off the fuel supply, but that would be extremely difficult and elicit quick anger in a country, as anger when fuel prices jump demonstrate. However, you can also stop a car engine by blocking the exhaust. Transfer that idea to nations and show that CO2, the byproduct of combustion of fossil fuels, was causing runaway, catastrophic, global warming to achieve the goal. What nastier image than the belching car exhaust or the even more dramatic chimneys of industry? On page 75 of their Report for the Club, The First Global Revolution, Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider wrote:In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interaction these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.
-- Report for the Club, The First Global Revolution, Alexander King and Bertrand Schneider
-- Tim Ball
Constipating Energy by blocking the exhaust
Energy is regarded by many people as the master resource in society. Arguably:
- The most important reason why the Germans lost WWII so quickly was because they lacked access to petroleum.
- The success and expansion of the British Empire in the 19th century was founded on the application of the new energy resource: James Watt's (1763–1775) improved version of steam power.
- The Russian invasion of Ukraine, was feasible because the anti-Western alliance of Greens, Lefties, Malthusian Billionaires, and foriegn powers had crippled Western Europe with anti-energy policies. Had Western Europe not been dependent on Russian energy supplies, the Ukraine war would never have happened.
Greens' ultimate goal is degrowth. Because they view the world in terms of conflict between humanity and the environment. For greens: stopping humanity equals saving the Environment.
The Greens say constipating rather than blocking the exhaust to refer to their political strategy of rationing and reducing energy use. For example constipating nuclear power by hyping the threat of used nuclear fuel.
Friends of the Earth began in 1969. They were a think tank, and brain-stormed green political strategies. They're mainly responsible for the constipating energy policies pursued by Modern Environmentalism. constipating nuclear power by hyping the issue to used nuclear fuel and turning a non-issue into a policy. The UK Climate Change Act, 2008, was authored by Friends of The Earth.
Citations and Notes
- "Heidegger's attractivness to Nazism"
- Ideas of John Holdren (Barak Obama's Science Czar)
- The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science, Tim Ball, PhD
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