Wednesday, 20 September 2023

What the Pirani guage implies about atmospheric heat transport.

Tom Shula explains how the behaviour of the Pirani gauge precludes any significant greenhouse gas effect: YouTube | white paper (pdf) | WUWT

We can use the behaviour of the Pirani gauge to estimate what kind of heat transport should dominate in each layer of the atmosphere. The IPCC say radiative cooling dominates everywhere in the atmosphere; even at ground level. They are completely wrong. Not because 'the science is wrong'; but because the politicos politicized the science so much - they make it up.

The Pirani guage implies:

mode of heat transportpressurealtituderegions
convectionabove 4 Torrbelow 35kmtroposphere, tropopause, lower stratosphere
conduction0.1 to 4 Torr35 to 65 kmupper stratosphere, stratopause, lower mesosphere
radiationbelow 0.1 Torrabove 65kmabove mid-mesosphere

Derivation of table above

In his book "A User's Guide to Vacuum Technology", 3rd edition, John F. O'Hanlon's presents the following diagram on page 88 to show that as one goes from atmospheric pressure to a vacuum, the cooling of the Pirani gauge sensor wire is dominated, in turn, by convection, conduction and radiation - the 3 heat transport mechanisms.

O'Hanlon's diagram did not label the axis because the precise curve one gets depends on the gas. But both axis are logarithmic. The basic outline (shape) of the curve is the same for all gases. So we can superipose the points - where convection gives way to conduction, and conduction gives way to radiation - onto the diagram supplied by Tom Shula. The enables us to find specific pressures at which these cross-overs happen.

convection (iii) gives way to conduction (ii) ~ 4 Torr
conduction (ii) gives way to radiation (i) ~ 0.1 Torr (100 microns).

The diagram below relates altitude to atmospheric region


mode of heat transportaltituderegions
convectionabove 4 Torrbelow 35kmtroposphere, tropopause, lower stratosphere
conduction0.1 to 4 Torr35 to 65 kmupper stratosphere, stratopause, lower mesosphere
radiationbelow 0.1 Torrabove 65kmabove mid-mesosphere

The table below, found here, associates specific pressures with altitude.

Monday, 4 September 2023

The Grip of Culture: The Social Psychology of Climate Change Catastrophism.

Book Review

The Grip of Culture: The Social Psychology of Climate Change Catastropism by Andy A. West, 8 June 2023, 448 pages, ISBN-13: 978-1838074746. Published by: GWPF. Paperback: £10 | E-book: free

GWPF publish at least 3 brilliant books with tendentious links to anthropomorphic global warming, AGW; AKA: 'climate change'. This book (Grip of Culture), Population Bombed (2018), by Pierre Desrochers and Joanna Szurkmak, and Searching for the Catastrophe Signal, by Bernie Lewin. I say 'tendentious link' because neither book is about how the climate works; but all 3 books explain how the climate issue arose to dominate the mindsets of global elites. These books explain how the climate mindset works.

Searching for the Catastrophe Signal plays back the history of the IPCC: International Panel on Climate Change. How it first warped itself in the early 1990s - before CimateGate), and before it matured into the dishonest, globalist, elite-dominated, propaganda group it is today.

Population Bombed traces the origins of climate hysteria back to old (eitist) eugenic concerns such as the hoi polloi out-breeding the better classes. Especially tbe 1960's blossoming of eugenic-derived ideas under a new flag: over-population, which, itself, hid behind a 'new movement': environmentalism.

Andy West's 'Grip of Culture' even manages to eclipse the previous two essential reads! It is one of the most important books, I've ever read. Likely: the most important. I've always been fascinated by ideologies, since the age ten, when I asked myself the question: why should I believe in God, but was unable to satisfactorarily answer myself. My mid-teen econcounters with Scientology, and Hare Krishna, cememented my fascination. BTW: I even worked 3 days, for free, with Scientology - marking their psychological profile tests - they gave people; until I realized the tests were a scam to hook people into Scientology.

The Grip of Culture explains religions, cults, and ideologies as necessarily false narratives about the world. These systems exist to unify people around common ideas, and causes; to give us a sense of belonging and purpose in life. It's nominally about the climate crisis narrative (as it's subtitle implies), but Andy makes it clear, everthing he says applies to all cultural memes. Andy West has a fascinating argument as to why such cultural memes (idea sets) are necessarily false. The Grip of Culture is centred in modern social psychology. Such psychology applies scientific research methods (empiricism), and bases itsef on ideas derived from evolutionary biology (evo-psych). Andy's book eschews the waffle, and groupthink of the poitical, journalist, and activist classes. Yet, if anything, the book's mood, tradition, or culture, go back the the hey days of the 18th century Elightenment, to works such as Denis Diderot's, Letter on the Blind, and Letter on the Deaf and Dumb. To books which lead us to question everything we've been taught, told, and allowed to think.

So one might suspect that the usual suspects: progressives and radicals would be all for such a book. Not necessarily because it's ideas are true. But because, like Nietzsche, or Foucault - even if it's false: we need need to know it. Yet there's a deathly silence within 'progressive culture' regarding this book. The Grip of Culture, also calls out every progressive cause: climate crisis, socialism, woke, DEI, CRT, transmania. Every cultural movement is placed under the spotlight. Exposure to the glare of these ideas vapourizes them like vampires in daylight. So progressives and radicals are banned from reading this book because it presents ideas too far.

It is a more revolutionary read than anything philosophers dreamt up. More life-changing then Pomo, Socrates, Hegel, Marx or Nietzsche. Because the ideas presented within aren't just those of clever people taking side-sweeps at the world. Andy makes empiricst claims. This is how the world works and there's nowt one can do to change this world because it's man's world.


Better classes. This was once such a common phrase among elites that Hollywood and its ilk turned it into a cipher (code word) for everything they disliked about elites. Such that the instant any actor uttered the phrase better classes to refer to those whom they preferred, for example, in a 1930s to 1970s movie, one knew they were the cultural badies - snobs. Yet, strangely, the internet does not know such a code-phrase exists, so I must footnote it here! Eugenics erases its own history.

Sunday, 3 September 2023

Concerning the Cause of the General Trade-Winds: By Geoge Hadley

Reblog!! from 1735. OCR corrected. Hadley's apparently idiosyncratic, arbitrary, Georgian English capitalization is uncorrected.

30 June 1735 doi: 10.1098/rstl.1735.0014,

VI. Concerning the Cause of the General Trade-Winds: By Geo. Hadley, Esq., F.R.S.

I Think the Causes of the General Trade-Winds have not been fully explained by any of those who have wrote on that Subject, for want of more particularly and distinctly considering the Share the diurnal Motion of the Earth has in the Production of them: For although this has been mentioned by some amongst the Causes of those Winds, yet they have not proceeded to show how it contributes to their Production $ or else have applied it to the Explication of these Phenomena, upon such Principles as will appear upon Examination not to be sufficient.

That the Action of the Sun is the original Cause of these Winds, I think all are agreed ; and that it does it by causing a greater Rarefaction of the Air in those Parts upon which its Rays falling perpendicularly, or nearly so, produce a greater Degree of Heat there than in other Places; by which means the Air there becoming specifically lighter than the rest round about, the cooler Air will by its greater Density and Gravity, remove it out of its Place to succeed into it its self, and make it rise upwards. But it seems, this Rarefaction will have no other effect than to cause the Air to rush in from all Parts into the Part where ’tis most rarefied, especially from the North and South, where the Air is coolest, and not more from the East than the West, as is commonly supposed: So that, setting aside the diurnal Motion of the Earth, the Tendency of the Air would be from every Side towards that Part where the Sun’s Action is most intense at the Time, and so a N. W. Wind be produced in the Morning, and a N. E. in the Afternoon, by Turns, on this Side of the Parallel of the Sun’s Declination, and a S.W. and S. E. on the other.

That the perpetual Motion of the Air towards the West, cannot be derived merely from the Action of the Sun upon it, appears more evidently from this: If the Earth be supposed at Rest, that Motion of the Air will be communicated to the superficial Parts, and by little and little produce a Revolution of the Whole the same Way, except there be the same Quantity of Motion given the Air in a contrary Direction in other Parts at the same Time, which is hard to suppose. But if the Globe of the Earth had before a Revolution towards the East, this by the same means must be continually retarded: And if this Motion of the Air be supposed to arise from any Action of the Parts of it on one another, the Consequence will be the same, for this reason it seems necessary to show how these Phenomena of the Trade-Winds may be caused, without the Production of any real general Motion of the Air westwards. This will readily be done by taking in the Consideration of the diurnal Motion of the Earth: For, let us suppose the Air in every Part to keep an equal Pace with the Earth in its diurnal Motion ; in which Case there will be no relative Motion of the Surface of the Earth and Air, and consequently no Wind; then by the Action of the Sun on the Parts about the Equator, and the Rarefaction of the Air proceeding there from, let the Air be drawn down thither from the N. and S. Parts. The Parallels are each of them bigger than the other, as they approach to the Equator, and the Equator is bigger than the Tropicks, nearly in the Proportion of 1000 to 917, and consequently their Difference in Circuit about 2083 Miles, and the Surface of the Earth at the Equator moves so much faster than the Surface of the Earth with its Air at the Tropicks. From which it follows, that the Air, as it moves from the Tropicks towards the Equator, having a less Velocity than the Parts of the Earth it arrives at, will have a relative Motion contrary to that of the diurnal Motion of the Earth in those Parts, which being combined with the Motion towards the Equator, a N. E. Wind will be produced on this Side of the Equator, and a S. E. on the other. These, as the Air comes nearer to the Equator, will become stronger, and more and more Easterly, and be due East at the Equator itself, according to Experience, by reason of the Concourse of both Currents from the N. and S. where its Velocity will be at the rate of 2083 Miles in the Space of one Revolution of the Earth or Natural Day, and above 1 Mile and ⅓ in a Minute of Time; which, is greater than the Velocity of the Wind is supposed to be in the greatest Storm, which according to Dr. Derham's Observations, is not above 1 Mile in a Minute; But it is to be considered, that before the Air from the Tropicks can arrive at the Equator, it must have gained some Motion Eastward from the Surface of the Earth or Sea, whereby its relative Motion will be diminished, and in several successive Circulations, may be supposed to be reduced to the Strength it is found to be of.

Thus I think the N.E. Winds on this Side of the Equator, and the S.E. on the other Side, are fully accounted for. The same Principle as necessarily extends to the Production of the West Trade-Winds without the Tropicks; the Air rarefied by the Heat of the Sun about the Equatorial Parts, being removed to make room for the Air from the cooler Parts, must rise upwards from the Earth, and as it is a Fluid, will then spread itself abroad over the other Air, and so its Motion in the upper Regions must be to the N. and S. from the Equator. Being got up at a Distance from the Surface of the Earth, it will soon lose great Part of its Heat, and thereby acquire Density and Gravity sufficient to make it approach its Surface again, which may be supposed to be by that Time ’tis arrived at those Parts beyond the Tropicks where the westerly Winds are found. Being supposed at first to have the Velocity of the Surface of the Earth at the Equator, it will have a greater Velocity than the Parts it now arrives at; and thereby become a westerly Wind, with Strength proportionable to the Difference of Velocity, which in several Revolutions will be reduced to a certain Degree, as is said before, of the Easterly Winds, at the Equator: And thus the Air will continue to circulate, and gain and lose Velocity by Turns from the Surface of the Earth or Sea as it approaches to, or recedes from the Equator! I do not think it necessary to apply these Principles to solve the Phenomena of the Variations of these Winds at different Times of the Year, and different Parts of the Earth ; and do it would draw this Paper into greater Length than I propose. From what has been said it follows:

  • First, That without the Assistance of the diurnal Motion of the Earth, Navigation, especially Easterly and Westerly, would be very tedious, and to make the whole Circuit of the Earth perhaps impracticable.
  • Secondly, That the N. E. and S. E. Winds within the Tropicks must be compensated by as much N. W. and S. W. in other Parts, and generally all Winds from any one Quarter must be compensated by a contrary Wind somewhere or other; otherwise some Change must be produced in the Motion of the Earth round its Axis.

Climate modeling fraud

" The data does not matter... We're not basing our recommendations on the data; we're basing them on the climate models. "...